Recalling Group 5

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

   Chapter 5

                                                                       Letter Writting

Hello my friends..

How are you today?

I hope you're always healty and happy:)

So,right now we are going to learn together about LETTER WRITTING
Friends,did you know about our material today?

If you didn't know that.Let's learn together

But if you did know how to express it,please tell me if i'mwrong by comment down bellow on comment section:))

But before we learn,make sure you saw another update on my blog.Thanks...

Oh,also don't forget to pray before we study

Okay friends,let;s we study!!!

This chapter will explain with group 5,if you forget about who are the member in group 

five.I will introduce all of them.


That's group three,which are will be our teacher for this chapter.The group three consist of 5

 people,which are Alifah,Azzahra,Intan,Rembulan,last Maylika.

Before we start,let's we listen Indonesian song "GARUDA PANCASILA"

                                            Hasil gambar untuk LAGU garuda pancasila

                                                                          LET'S STUDY




That's our topic.You can learn it and ask if you don't understand by comment.

In order not to get bored ,our teachers give us short movie.Unfortunately the video disable to watch here,but don;t be sad because i will put that link here so you can watch it.


Short Movie

 A story, which tells of a disabled boy.  one day, he received a gift from his mother.  the prize contained a dog that was limping on its feet.  initially the boy was happy to get a present, once he learned that a dog that he could limp.  he let it go and ignored the dog.  he continued playing with his game.  but when he saw the dog move he began to pay attention to the dog and play outside.

Okay,I think that's enough for today.But before closing our teacgers from group one.Want to give a music from one of Indonesian local song.It's AYO MAMA.


Lirik Lagu Ayo Mama
