Question about Procedure Text : How to use


EM- 4 is a mixture of micro-organisms that gives the benefit for cattle growth and product.


1. Decrease smell pollution

2. Balance mutual micro-organisms

3. Increase quality and quantity of cattle product

How to use:

1. To get satisfying result, dissolve 1cc EM-4 per liter water every day

2. Spray 1 cc EM-4 per liter of water every week on the floor, wall, and manure.


Agent: PT. Songgolangit

Persada, Jakarta

Distributor: Jl Ki Hajar Dewantara 46 Jakarta

Phone: (021) 7894529


1. This text tells us about …

A. organism

B. fermentation

C. cattle product

D. contact address

E. the use of EM-4



2. One of the benefits of the product is ....

     A. For growing cattle bacteria

     B. For increasing smell pollution

     C. For producing cattle manure and organic fermentation bacteria

     D. For increasing micro organisms

     E. For increasing quality and quantity of cattle product

ANS :  E


How to Use Digital Camera

You need :

  • a digital camera
  • an object (a friend/classmate or something interesting, you can find around the classroom or school yard)

Follow the steps below to take picture :

1.      Hold up the camera and centre the object in the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

2.      More closer or use the zoom control  for the result you want

3.      When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter half way. It is very important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations.

4.      A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go

5.      Press shutter all the way down. It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and used the view finder when there is more extreme sunlight to conserve battery. Glare from the LCD does not work well with more bright light.


3. What will happen to the LCD when there is more extreme sunlight?

A. The glare is broken

B. The glare runs very well

C. The glare works well

D. The glare does not work well

E. The glare is unbroken



How to use a correction pen

1)   shake well the correction pen.

2)   Open the cap

3)   Press the tip of the pen on the misprinted word.

4)   Cover the word with the liquid.

5)   Let the liquid  . . . .

6)   Correct the word.

4. Complete the following of procedure.

 A. dry

B. thin

C. thick

D. White


How to operate the microwave

1. Your food is ready to serve

2. First, open the microwave

3. Finally, remove the food carefully

4. After that close the microwave and set cook time

5. Check periodically to ensure the food is well cooked

6. Then place the food container inside the microwave

7. Restart the microwave if additional cooking time is required

5. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage.

A. 6 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 1 – 5 – 3

B. 6 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 5 – 3

C. 2 – 6 – 4 – 7 – 5 – 3 – 1

D. 2 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 3 – 1

